Preschooler Classes

Classes are held in English and French, depending on the needs of an individual child. Language materials such as classified cards, reading booklets, action cards, adjectives, etc. are available in both languages. Morning classes are meant especially for homeschooled children.

Children are free to explore, move and choose their own activity out of different areas, for example practical life (flower arranging, dish washing, peeling and cutting apples, etc.), sensorial, language, geography, art, music.

One class lasts between 2 and 3 hours, depending on a chosen day. Maria Montessori observed that this extended period of time was essential for the children to develop their ability to concentrate. The last hour of such uninterrupted work period is usually when children are most likely to choose challenging work and concentrate deeply. Concentration is a key to learning.

Children from 3 to 7 years

Drop-off class

2 to 3 hour class

6 children per group


Sign up for classes online. Go to this page and choose from available dates.

To ensure optimal educational experience, I highly recommend that your child attends Preschooler classes regularly.

Holidays with Montessori are organized during school holidays.